Manuscript for Publication

Manuscript (Full Paper)

Please download the template for manuscript preparation and edit your manuscript here, taking into account the formal requirements. The manuscript should be about 8-10 pages DIN A4 long; max. file size: 10 MB.
Template Manuscript (coming soon)

Publication of presentation or poster (if permitted):

Instead of a full manuscript, you can also provide the abstract of your contribution together with your presentation for publication. Poster authors can publish the abstract with the PDF of their poster.
Please use the template to create the title page of your file (abstract) and follow the format specifications. Please combine the PDF of the abstract page with the PDF file of your presentation (2 slides on 1 page) or your poster to create a complete PDF. Please note the following notes on formatting.
Template for Abstract plus PPT or Poster (coming soon)

Formatting abstract with presentation

  • in PowerPoint, via View/Handout Master please select 2 slides per page and remove header, footer, date and page number
  • When converting to PDF format, select Handout and 2 slides per page and slide frames
  • Then create a complete PDF (1st page abstract, from 2nd page presentation)

Formatting abstract with poster

Create a complete (1st page abstract, 2nd page PDF poster (DIN A4 full-page))

Upload manuscript

Please upload the finished manuscript (alternatively abstract with presentation or poster) until 28 February 2025 as a PDF file via the C³ - Conference Control Centre of your user account.


In the upload form, please enter the keywords (max. 5) that you have also specified in your manuscript.

Image rights

The publisher of the publications, DGZfP e.V., assumes that the author of the manuscript has obtained the rights to use illustrations and texts that are not his own. Responsibility for the acquisition of image rights lies with the respective author.

Editing contribution data
When uploading your manuscript, you can make further adjustments to the title and author details. Make sure that the presenter (1 person per contribution) is labelled. Check the order of the authors and adjust them if necessary. 
The data will appear in the programme (conference website and in print), in the event app and in the proceedings.
Therefore, please make sure that the information in the manuscript matches the information in your user account. 
Review of the manuscripts

After review by the DGZfP, you will receive a message (by e-mail) about the final acceptance of your manuscript for publication, or a message about any necessary changes.

Publication /

The final versions of the accepted manuscripts will be published on - Open Access Archive ( under a Creative Commons Licence 4.0.

DOI (Digital Objective Identifier)

Manuscripts (full papers) will be provided with a DOI (if intended for this event). Files consisting of abstract and presentation or poster will not receive a DOI.


In order to protect your rights as an author and to make the legal situation transparent for users, all published manuscripts are released with the verified licence ‘Creative Commons CC BY 4.0’. The copyright lies with the author.

Details and the full licence text can be found at

Information about the speaker

For the introduction of the presenters during the conference, the session chairs should be provided with brief personal information. Please enter some data in the C³ - Conference Control Centre (under ‘Personal data’). These will also be displayed in the programme on the conference website next to your contribution.

Presentation file for the event

Presenting authors will receive an e-mail when you can upload your presentation in advance via the C³ - Conference Control Centre. In exceptional cases, we will also accept your presentation on a USB memory stick at our counter during the conference (at least 30 minutes before the start of your session).
Self-extracting archives (*.exe) or other executable programmes cannot be uploaded.
Please do not forget to make a copy for yourself and take it with you to the conference.